MaxiForce Bollards are a super-functional, cost-effective, and flexible barrier solution, which makes them the preferred traffic control choice for many schools, universities, and other educational facilities. Our bollards have been installed in plenty of higher learning institutions and are highly recommended by life safety professionals.
Did you know that MaxiForce Collapsible Bollard is the fastest emergency
ingress solution available on the market when life safety matters?
Our collapsible bollard is the only solution that provides rapid access
without damaging the vehicle or totaling the bollard itself.
There is no other solution like it.
Already have MaxiForce Collapsible Bollards?
Order release inserts or bollard accessories to maintain
or enhance your bollard solution.
Codes & Standards
All MaxiForce products, content materials, and manifacturing processes are
in compliance with industry codes, standards, and performance-based measures.
Find out more